Progress bar c# (windows form) using mysql data


Viewed 119 times


I currently have this code in one of the formats of a developing application and would like to create a progress bar that by clicking the View button (which takes a while to fill the datagrid) would show the progress of the data.

namespace Odin
    public partial class frmBuscaPorNome : Form
        public frmBuscaPorNome()

        Conexao bd = new Conexao();

        private void CarregarGrid()
            string sql = "SELECT * FROM ebt_iw ORDER BY id;";
            dtgBusca.DataSource = bd.ExecutarConsultas(sql);

        private void btnBusca_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Busca = txtBusca.Text;
            string bsc = "SELECT * FROM ebt_iw WHERE nome LIKE '" + Busca + "%' ;";
            dtgBusca.DataSource = bd.ExecutarConsultas(bsc);


        private void btnVer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void btnSair_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

This is the connection class:

 class Conexao
        MySqlConnection conexao;

        public void Conectar()
            string string_conexao = "Persist Security Info = false;server = localhost;database = ebtiw;uid = root;pwd = ;SslMode=none;";
            conexao = new MySqlConnection(string_conexao);

        public void ExecutarComandos(string sql)
            MySqlCommand comando = new MySqlCommand(sql, conexao);

        public DataTable ExecutarConsultas(string query)

            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            MySqlDataAdapter dados = new MySqlDataAdapter(query, conexao);

            return dt; //dt armazena os resultado obtido de execuçao do SELECT ( da string query)

  • Defining directly the DataSource cannot have the behavior you want. If you add line by line, then yes, you could, but lost performance...

  • Voce indicates another way to do this? like display a text box written 'loading' until the table loads ?

  • No, add row by row to the grid within a cycle and at the same time increase the value of the ProgressBar.

  • has some event or property that I can know when the table fully loads?

  • Yes, by the grill event DataBindingComplete (if it is a DataGridView).

  • Thank you very much friend, you helped me so much

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