Good morning, I have an array of objects with several properties and one of them is the data property that I would like to convert. But I wonder if there’s any way to do it without using a loop.
var arr = [{data: 2018/01/02, nome: 'Teste},
{data: 2018/03/03, nome: ' Outro Teste},
{data: 2019/02/29, nome: 'João'} ... ]
I need a new array, where the date property is in DD-MM-AA format and keeps the other properties unchanged. If anyone knows how to do it without needing to do one is grateful
It is possible, but then you would have to write a line changing the value for each of the index of the array. I don’t understand why not use a loop/loop
– Máttheus Spoo
in fact it is a very extensive array, I imagined that there would be some faster way, without having to go through a loop
– Elisangela Carla DE Souza
The loop was made exactly to make extensive actions quickly. To replace this as you want just need 2 lines of code well say
– Máttheus Spoo
@Elisangelacarladesouza whatever syntax you choose, whether or not it’s a loop, you’ll always have to access each obj and convert the date... It’s a loop, here you have several: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Loops_and_iteration
– Miguel