Component problem called expendable in Ionic 3


Viewed 108 times


Guys, I really need your help. According to this tutorial tutorial I need a custom component that displays the following error:

"Can’t bind to 'expandHeight' Since it isn’t a known Property of 'Expandable'."

when I run my app.

In my case "home.html" is "rate-fire.html". Here it is:

  <button detail-none (click)="expandItem(item)" ion-item *ngFor="let item of items">
    <ion-thumbnail item-start>
      <img src="assets/imgs/bolacha.png">
    <h2>My Neighbor Totoro</h2>
    <p>Hayao Miyazaki • 1988</p>
    **<expandable** [expandHeight]="itemExpandHeight" [expanded]="item.expanded">
        Hello people
    <button ion-button clear item-end>View</button>

My rate-fire.ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';

 * Generated class for the TaxaIncendioPage page.
 * See for more info on
 * Ionic pages and navigation.

  selector: 'page-taxa-incendio',
  templateUrl: 'taxa-incendio.html',
export class TaxaIncendioPage {

  items: any = [];
  itemExpandHeight: number = 100;

  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {

    this.items = [
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false},
      {expanded: false}


  expandItem(item){ => {

        if(item == listItem){
            listItem.expanded = !listItem.expanded;
        } else {
            listItem.expanded = false;

        return listItem;



  ionViewDidLoad() {
    console.log('ionViewDidLoad TaxaIncendioPage');

    item.styleClass = (Number(item.styleClass) == 1)?0:1;


My rate of fire.scss:

    .ios, .md{
    page-taxa-incendio {
            align-items: baseline;

NOTE: I circled the error with ** **.

My expendable.ts:

import { Component, Input, ViewChild, ElementRef, Renderer } from '@angular/core';

 * Generated class for the ExpendableComponent component.
 * See for more info on Angular
 * Components.
  selector: 'expendable',
  templateUrl: 'expendable.html'
export class ExpendableComponent {

  text: string;

  @ViewChild('expandWrapper', {read: ElementRef}) expandWrapper;
  @Input('expanded') expanded;
  @Input('expandHeight') expandHeight;

  constructor(public renderer: Renderer) {
    console.log('Hello ExpendableComponent Component');
    this.text = 'Hello World';

    this.renderer.setElementStyle(this.expandWrapper.nativeElement, 'height', this.expandHeight + 'px');   


My Expandable.html:

<!-- Generated template for the ExpendableComponent component -->
<div #expandWrapper class='expand-wrapper' [class.collapsed]="!expanded">

My Expandable.scss:

expandable {

    .expand-wrapper {
        transition: 0.2s linear;

    .collapsed {
        height: 0 !important;


Error screen html

Error screen app

1 answer


In his home.html you called by the Exp selectortondable, but in their expendable.ts vc declared the selector as Expandndable.

Switch to

<expendable [expandHeight]="itemExpandHeight" [expanded]="item.expanded">
        Hello people
  • The same error persists. Vscode still leaves it red, as if it did not recognize it as a tag

  • 1

    vc also compiled to see if the error persists at runtime?

  • Yes, I took that test and the same mistake persists

  • 1

    try setting a type for @Input('Expanded') Expanded; and @Input('expandHeight') expandHeight;

  • I’ve already declared them separately there in the expendable.ts file.

  • 1

    Yes, I say to define a type number, any, string...

  • Did not work. Error persists

  • 1

    could put your code in stackblitz?

  • I never used this tool, but from what I understand I will only upload the src folder, right?

  • 1

    yes, you can also upload only the necessary components and remember to import the components in app.module.ts

  • 1

    I adapted your code, it worked.

  • 1

    Voce added Expendablecomponent to its declarations and entrycomponents in app.module.ts?

  • 1

    take a look.

  • Expendablecomponent serves to make a menu like accordion. The one who sent me the menu cannot have the power to retract and expand. This is exactly what happens when I comment on the <expendable> tag. You can see?

  • 1

    I didn’t get to include the CSS files in stackblitz. But the error you quoted in the question apparently got fixed

  • Indeed it was. Thank you very much for your help and for taking the time to do so.

  • 1

    I’m glad the bug was fixed. I wish I could spend a little more time helping you with the accordion list, but now I can’t. I didn’t get to include the.scss file in the stackblitz, it may be that they have an effect. If you can’t, open a new topic and other members can help you with this issue.

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