Subscribe problem when return is a single Object


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I am developing an application at angular 6 and am having a problem when I do Subscribe in the method that returns a single object in the HTTP request.

For example, making this request by my component:

 ngOnInit() {

    const empresaId = this.route.snapshot.params['empresaId']
    this.empresaService.getEmpresa(empresaId).subscribe(resp => this.empresa = resp)


My object company is undefined, but if I put a log console inside the subscribe I’m returning my json normally

I noticed a detail. In case I create a type method:

 obterEmpresa() {
    const empresaId = this.route.snapshot.params['empresaId']
    this.empresaService.getEmpresa(empresaId).subscribe(resp => this.empresa = resp)


And I put this method in the button event, the first click returns undefined. However, in the second click the object is normally filled with the answer.

This problem I am having only when the return is a single object. When it is an array, it works normally.

If you need my service method, there it is:

 getEmpresa(id: number): Observable<Empresa> {
    return this.http.get<Empresa>(`${URI}/empresa/${id}`)
  • this is not a problem but the expected behavior. http being asynchronous the object will only have value within Subscribe.

  • Ola Eduardo, sorry is that I’m new in web development, and in case I leave the object in this case the this.empesa with value for all scope as it would be?

  • The properties of a component have the scope of the component. The way you did this, company will get the value of http return when this request is successful.

  • To see the value of your answer you can do so: this.empresaService.getEmpresa(empresaId). subscribe(Resp =>console.log(Resp))

1 answer


This is normal dude, it happens because the request you are making is asynchronous. If you want to give a console.log() try something like.

obterEmpresa() {
    const empresaId = this.route.snapshot.params['empresaId']
    this.empresaService.getEmpresa(empresaId).subscribe(resp =>
      this.empresa = resp;

That way when the request you made to the server is resolved the subscribe will run and the console.log will work..

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