Application . Net losing reference


Viewed 34 times


Good afternoon. I have a web application developed in c# that uses connection to the Mysql database. I added the reference, the codebehind recognizes the Mysql reference without problems. Only when running the application, it gives the error : Error 2 The type or namespace name 'Mysql' could not be found (are you Missing a using Directive or an Assembly Reference?)

I uninstalled the mysql connector, reinstalled and redid the reference in the application and nothing, same error. Anyone knows what happens?

On hold

  • it’s not clear what you’re trying to do, what you’re trying to install....

  • Install nothing, I’m trying to reference myslq in my project What I installed and that is necessary for this is the myslqconnector; I already installed, I made the reference, the codebehind recognizes the reference, but when executing the build, gives the error that does not find the reference with mysql

  • then you are trying to install the mysql connection driver. It remains to know which, which dependencies, etc...

  • Myslq Connector Net 8.0.12 is already installed. Installation is ok. The codebehind opens the Mysql references, ( Mysqlconnection, Mysqlcommand, Mysqldataadapter), but when performing Buind, give the error saying that it did not match the reference.

  • Is copying Mysql dll to Bin and or checked if it is available in GAC?

  • Didn’t copy to the bin

  • discovered, was version of the framework in the project. This version of mysql only runs from version 4.5.2 and my project was in 4.5. I changed the version and it worked. Visual studio does not report this functionality, I checked in another American forum.

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