I have to update a column in format xmltype
of an Oracle database.
Basically I just do update
of property valor
if another property of that node date and time are equal. That is, in the code below, I just do update
in the node QUAD02
and value VALOR12TIND
where the time is 10:12:52
<QUAD02 data="18.08.20" utilizador="30768">
<VALOR71 titulo="N." valor="2"/>
<VALOR72 titulo="Data" valor="18.08.20"/>
<VALOR73 titulo="Hora" valor="10:12:52"/>
<VALOR12TIND titulo="uuu" valor=""/>
<QUAD02 data="18.08.20" utilizador="30768">
<VALOR71 titulo="N." valor="2"/>
<VALOR72 titulo="Data" valor="18.08.20"/>
<VALOR73 titulo="Hora" valor="10:15:52"/>
<VALOR12TIND titulo="uuu" valor=""/>
The query I used was:
update doc_g po set grelha = updatexml( grelha, 'GRELHA/quad/VALOR12TIND"/@valor' ,"ssss")
where xmlexists('$p/GRELHA/quad02/VALOR73 [@valor="10:12:52"]' passing po.grelha as "p"
The example comes from a query I do in Java. Do you have any idea how to proceed?
Good morning! I went to make a test in plsql here and gave an error when parsing your xml, Validei xml by www.xmlvalidation.com and there is an error in line 7, is this same xml?
– Confundir