C# Webbrowser How can I get innerHTML from a span within a div


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I need to get c# the innerHTML of the first SPAN element that has a value with numbers that is inside a div and I I’ve even written a code that’s on the right track, I think. So far this is it.:

             HtmlElementCollection Elems;
              WebBrowser WebOC = webBrowser;
              Elems = WebOC.Document.GetElementsByTagName("div");

              foreach (HtmlElement elem in Elems) {

                  if ((elem.GetAttribute("id") == "MyId")) {


To do this with Javascript I can with this code below


<div id="myId" class=""><span>874.005.877-81</span><span class="clipboard-copy"></span></div>


var x = document.getElementById("myId");
var val = x.querySelector("span").innerHTML;

Thank you for any solution to this ;D

1 answer


In a perfect scenario, just take your id, and then the first span element after the document is loaded:

private void webBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    string html = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("myId").GetElementsByTagName("span")[0].InnerHtml;

But there are other factors that can change that:

The page is not fully loaded in the Documentcompleted event (use ajax for example).

You may or may not have the element with its ID = myId. You should check for existence.

May or may not have elements span within the selected element. You should check whether it contains.

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