How to Create a Web Forms User Control Component


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I have the following problem, I created a component of type Web Forms User Control, I put in it button, grid, the way I want it to be my default registration. It works, as long as it’s on a page that’s on the same project. I would like to create a project called components, because I will have another project that will use this same standard registration. So I created a separate web project called Components, generated a dll, but when I try to import that dll into my Toolbox appears the message:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Searching I found talking articles to create a class library project and add the web form user control to it. However does not appear to me this web Forms user control, appears only features for windows form.

Does anyone know what I can do in this case ?

1 answer


  • Tony, thanks a man :)

  • If it has been helpful, please consider taking it as a response.

  • I’m new on the forum, I couldn’t find how to put ehehe Valeu :)

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