IONIC 2 - App page reload


Viewed 58 times


I’m developing an app where it’s almost all assembled from data from an API on an external server, searching for information on an Oracle client.

After logging in, I have on the Homepage the function ngInit that searches the data in this external API. When I browse other pages of the app and go back to the Homepage, I have to look for the data again, because apparently, when leaving the Homepage the data loaded in the variables previously are empty.

There is a smarter way to do this, IE, don’t keep calling every time the API when entering the Homepage?

  • you are using providers to consume API data?

  • I’m not Felipe.... I’m wearing it like this:

1 answer


getMetaLoja() {
this.idempresa = this.navParams.get('empresa'); 

var link = '';
var data = JSON.stringify({idEmpresa: this.idempresa});, data).subscribe(data => { = data._body;
  this.metaloja = JSON.parse(<string>;
  if(this.metaloja === "" || this.metaloja === null || this.metaloja.length === 0)
    let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
    title: 'A meta da sua loja não foi encontrada',
    message: 'Por favor, verifique sua conexão de internet ou entre em contato com a administração do App para mais informações',
    buttons: [
        text: 'Ok',
        handler: () => {
  }, error => {
  • Junior search for Providers use Ionic generate Store command;

  • I’ll search Felipe, you can leave. Thank you!

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