Alternative to the stabbing


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I would like to know if you have any Pattern design or alternative approach to Pattern facade.

I found interesting his approach in creating a "facade" for a certain "subsystem" but the class that should simplify became huge and a little confused and susceptible to implementing business rules.

Imagine a subsystem with double or triple classes

Imagina um subsistema com o dobro ou o tripo de classes

Have some GOF standard or some approach to access a subsystem in a more simplified way?

  • 2

    Without giving more details of what is the subsystem you want to encapsulate or why the class has become huge, it is difficult to indicate what would be the best standard for your case.

  • The subsystem is very generic, I speak of the motivation of the facade that is to abstract the complexity of a system (called subsystem) for a client

  • It doesn’t have to be a single class, you can (maybe should) create a set of Facades.

  • @bfavaretto understood, it is a good approach to decrease the complexity

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