Remove line from footer


Viewed 183 times



Hi, could someone give me a hand? I don’t know what could be wrong because I’ve used no-Lines before in another project and it worked perfectly, but here I can’t remove this line for nothing.
It may be something very simple but I haven’t found the solution yet.



<ion-content class="bg-style" no-padding>

<img src="assets/imgs/tela.png" height="150" width="490" style="display: 
 margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; margin-top: 150px">

<ion-footer no-lines class="footerlogo">
<ion-toolbar no-padding>
   <ion-item class="ionitem">

      <button ion-button secondary (click)="entrar(); alertaBasica()" 




page-logo {

background-color: #179c90 !important;

.footerlogo {
    border: none !important;
    outline: none  !important;
    outline-color: #179c90!important;


.buttonlogo {
    background-color: #179c90;


    background: #179c90 !important;


.bg-style {

    background: #179c90;

.toolbar-title{ text-align: left;
    padding-left: 36%;
    font-weight: normal;

  • This is probably a background-image of some of the directives!

  • That may not be the problem with the line, but I suggest using the ion-footer after the ion-content.

  • put after ion-content. I used "<ion-footer no-Lines class="footerlogo" no-border>" , still has the line but is hardly seen. A little better.

1 answer


To remove this line just add no-border in the ion-footer:

<ion-footer no-border class="footerlogo">
    <ion-toolbar no-padding>
        <ion-item class="ionitem">
                <button ion-button secondary (click)="entrar(); alertaBasica()" class="buttonlogo">ENTRAR</button>

I hope it helps!

  • That’s what I did, the line continues but is hardly seen. Thank you for answering.

  • I get it, is that you said you put "no-Lines", but to not appear even this line has to be "no-border".

  • Sorry, I just saw the no-border at the end! hehehe

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