Difficult to implement paging at Angular 2+


Viewed 54 times


You can see that back-end paging is working.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My goal is to achieve returns the first three records of the first tab in Angular as shown in Postman, if I manage to complete this first step of implementation I will be able to do the rest.

That was my attempt;

Service class;

  getMenuPage(skip, limit): Observable<any>{
      return this._http.get(`${this.url}/menuspage?page=${skip}&size=${limit}`)
      .map(res => res.json());


And that’s my component class;

  public title: string;
  public menu: Menu[];

    private _menuService: MenuAdminService
  ) {
      this.title = 'Lista de Cardápios';


  ngOnInit() {

  getMenusPage(skip, limit) {
    this._menuService.getMenuPage(skip, limit).subscribe(
      response => {
        if (!response.data) {

        } else {
          this.menu = response.data;
      error => {

The return of my browser consoles is this:

Array(0)length: 0__proto__: Array(0)

How do I fix this implementation?

  • 2

    seems to have a typo in your url tries: ${this.url}/menuspage?skip=${skip}&limit=${limit}

  • That’s right @Eduardovargas, thank you very much

  • You can put your answer, thank you very much.

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