Problem making inputs appear and disappear with jquery


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I need to do some inputs on my form of the mobile version are hidden and displayed by clicking on the button called Busca avançada I created a code jQuery but it’s not working I don’t know what I’m doing wrong remembering I’m using bootstrap 4 follow my codes:


Type Reporting period 2 3 4 5 Number Year Choose a year 2 3 4 5 Search by term Fetch
            <button class="d-block d-sm-none advanced-btn" onclick="myFunction()">Busca avançada <i class="fas fa-caret-down"></i></button>


    border: 0;
    background-color: transparent;
    outline: none;
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-min) {
        display: none;


function myFunction() {
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myDIV");
    if ( === "none") { = "block";
    } else { = "none";

1 answer


Face if it’s just to show off the contents of div can do as in the example, but, follows some considerations:

  • 1 - If you leave the class d-sm-none on the button as is your code, the button will stay with display None and will not have to click it to appear the div you want.
  • 2 - You said you made a code with jQuery, but his example is with Javascript.
  • 3 - Because it didn’t work, the Document.getElementByClassName() by default returns a Nodelist, that is, an array of elements, which in order to be accessed it is necessary to indicate an index as for example [0].

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("myDIV");
x[0].style.display = "none";

function myFunction(){

    if(x[0].style.display == "none"){
      x[0].style.display = "block";
      x[0].style.display = "none";

    // x[0] pega a primeira div, se tivesse uma outra div com esta classe 
    // vc pegaria ela com x[1]
  margin: 10% 25%;
    border: 0;
    background-color: transparent;
    outline: none;
@media (max-width: $screen-xs-min) {
        display: none;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<button class="btn d-block advanced-btn" onclick="myFunction();">Busca avançada <i class="fas fa-caret-down"></i></button>

<div class="myDIV" id="myDIV">
  <input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="texto qualquer">
  <input class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="texto qualquer">

  • It doesn’t close back ? I needed it to close up tbm

  • I edited the answer Kirito.

  • 1

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