Remove stack page in Ionic


Viewed 504 times


I have the following structure

Home > Page 1

My Page 1 every 10 seconds performs an http request. I realized that when I move from Page 1 to Home, it continues to carry out the requisitions.

I wonder how I can remove from the stack as soon as I exit the page.

I tried to:

    .then(() => {
      // first we find the index of the current view controller:
      const index = this.viewCtrl.index;
      // then we remove it from the navigation stack
      this.nav.remove(index - 1);

To change pages I use the following function:

  rotaHome() {
  • Try to make an observable unsubscribe that is making the unwanted onDestroy requests

  • I tried on onDestroy, when changing page, in several different places, but the requests continue, I got only through the way I published the answer

1 answer


To those who are interested, I was able to solve in the following way:

this.IntervalId = setInterval(()=> {
  this.listaPerguntas(); },12000); //A cada 5 minutos verifica se existe uma nova pergunta

  rotaHome() {
    this.nav.setRoot(HomePage).then(() =>

I believe it is not the most recommended way, I could not understand why after pop the page continues making requests, but clearInterval worked well at the time.

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