Poor field formatting when exporting the Crystar report to PDF


Viewed 188 times


I made a map using Crystal Reports and when exporting it to PDF the text of the description column is poorly formatted including more spaces, as can be seen in the following images.

Antes de exportar para o PDF Before exporting to PDF.

Depois de exportar

After exporting to PDF.

Does anyone know how we overcome this challenge? Thank you!

  • In my view this issue has to do with the Crystal report and the user’s machine settings. I just tagged Spring to see if someone who uses Spring has already faced the same challenge. The Crystal Reports tag is included.

  • What version of Crystal?

  • Check out this Crystal Suport link. Apparently it’s a known bug that exists in the 2008 version, which is the V10 engine. https://apps.support.sap.com/sap/support/knowledge/public/en/1546135

  • The Crystal version is 10

  • Check my reply apply the solution to Registry and restart the machine and please remove the tag

1 answer


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