I’m assembling a string that has as its final result an XML template just below, and when receiving at the other end, a line break character appears in the empty fields, I’ve tried using replace(), regex... someone has a suggestion?
StringBuilder Sb = new StringBuilder();
Sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");
Sb.Append("<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:v1=\"http://dominio.com.br/vv/operacao_lojas/optout/atualizar/SOAP/v1\">";
var retorno = String.Format(Sb.ToString(),
private static string CleanInput(string strIn)
//Remove todos os caracteres não alphanuméricos exceto (.) pontos, (@) arrobas e (-) hífens
return Regex.Replace(strIn, @"[^\w\.@-]", "",
RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5));
catch (RegexMatchTimeoutException)
return String.Empty;
You’ve tried it this way
CleanInput(obj.numeroCelularCliente.Trim())).Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
– João Martins
Hello John, thank you so much for your attention. I just tested your suggestion, but it didn’t work.
– Luciano Castilho
How do you know it’s an " n" he’s getting?
– João Martins
@Lucianocastilho, if you have a method
, you should improve it to already perform this treatment, as well as verify the reason for receiving these incorrect values in your inputs.– Leandro Angelo
@Joãomartins , I know why I have access next to the mainframe, and there he receives the Soap with this information of n.
– Luciano Castilho
@Leandroangelo is actually right, but it is necessary that I return a value or even the empty field in the statusSend and that is what I do. I thought it might be something related to encoding, but as in xml I already inform utf-8, and in the webrequest header I add the content-type also to utf-8... I didn’t know what to do.
– Luciano Castilho
@Lucianocastilho can put an example of the result? does ' n' appear on all lines in all empty spaces or only at the end of xml? How does the other end receive this xml? What is the code?
– Guilherme Batista
@Guilhermebatista, cara o " n" arrives at the final destination in the empty fields. The other end is a Mainframe, Cics controls the reception and feedback of information.
– Luciano Castilho
@Lucianocastilho When you say "empty fields" refers for example to the field
? If there is no value for {0} it puts n ? that’s it?– Guilherme Batista
@Guilhermebatista, then if there is no value to be placed it replaces by empty. value = "". but when it arrives at the server.... is there the n.
– Luciano Castilho
@Lucianocastilho now understood the problem. Is this not a character encoding error? It may be that the coding of your program is different from the recipient.
– Guilherme Batista
@Guilhermebatista are you saying something like encoding? I’m sending the encoding in Webrequest Req.Contenttype = "text/xml;charset="utf-8"";
– Luciano Castilho
@Lucianocastilho that’s right. Your code seems to be correct. try modifying the encoding and see if it works.
– Guilherme Batista
@Guilhermebatista, so I tried with ISO-8859-1, and nothing!
– Luciano Castilho
@Lucianocastilho complicated this situation. Well, the only option I see for now is to try to remove the line break individually for each field and see if it works.
– Guilherme Batista
@Guilhermebatista, so I’ve done it... . Replace(" n",""), individually and in the total string
– Luciano Castilho
Good morning Friends!! I couldn’t really solve this little problem, so to not stop my workflow I did other validations, but I couldn’t figure out what the problem might be. Thank you for your attention.
– Luciano Castilho