Well, I need to take the value of a textarea and send it to a second textarea on the same page, but when I give refresh I don’t want the value of the second textarea to go away, how to do this using javascript and Ajax?.
My Code
var textArea = getDOMElement("textarea", "class", "logarea", 0)
var y = textArea.value;
var x = document.createElement("TEXTAREA");
var t = document.createTextNode(y);
document.getElementsByClassName("span8 center")[0].appendChild(x);
Well I tried that, but even after cleaning the 1 textarea the second tbm was empty
– Vinicius Cavalheiro
This depends on how you are saving the value of your first textarea, if you save the value of it in localStorage when it is empty, the second tbm will be.
– Marcel
I put a button check, it worked obg
– Vinicius Cavalheiro