Error in viewing multiple Google Maps markers PHP, JS, HTML


Viewed 129 times


I’m trying to make a Google Maps map that shows the location of a garbage dump, information that is contained in the form of coordinates, in a database, and the weight of the dump, also contained in the database.

What’s the problem if the markers aren’t all on Google Maps?

  • How you are iterating over the bookmark list and printing the bookmark?

  • I’m printing the marker across the line var myCenter = new google.maps.LatLng('.$users_dumps_map[$dump['container_id']].');

  • You are printing only one marker.

2 answers


echo' <script>

        function myMap() {
            var myCenter = new google.maps.LatLng('.$users_dumps_map[$dump['container_id']].');
            var mapCanvas = document.getElementById("map");
            var mapOptions = {
                center: myCenter,
                zoom: 5
            var map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions);
            var markers = [];';

  foreach ($users_dumps_map as $value) {
    $aux = explode(",", $value);
    echo 'markers.push(
            new google.maps.Marker(
              { position: { lat: ' . $aux[0] . ', lng: ' . $aux[1] . ' } , map: map }

echo '
            var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
                content: "'.$dump['quantity'].'"
  , marker);

  • markers is a variable of the type array where I’ll keep the markers. The push is a method to add something inside the array, in case I am adding the markings of the google maps

  • I made a change in the foreach, take a look at the change and try again.

  • the mark is already ok? only missing values, correct?


You are only printing a marker on the map, so it will only show one.

Each marker must be a new object google.maps.Map. Since you are printing via PHP, you can iterate the data via PHP:

$latLngList = [
    '40.349859, -8.583798',
    '38.720430, -9.154948',
    '41.159531, -8.659574',

//iteração da lista
foreach($latLngList as $latLng)
    echo "var latLng = new google.maps.LatLng($latLng);

    //criação de cada marcador
    echo "var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: latLng , map: map});

This is the basic one, you must iterate over each location and create a new marker by linking to the map. I omitted the rest of the code, because it will remain virtually the same.

  • @Tiagogonçalves Indifferent, this is just an example of what is wrong with your script, correct your reality.

  • I updated the example for the form you are registering, but just adapt to your code.

  • What error? Update your reply. What’s more, the code you posted in the comment doesn’t make much sense.

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