How to clone a direct project from a Branch?


Viewed 226 times


I use Gitlab and Visual Code to do code versioning and I have the following problem:

When cloning a project direct from master and then do the git pull origin tv_version my files are giving like "MERGE CONFLICT" and in case I clone straight from my branch tv_version using git clone -b tv_version <local do git>, the Visual Code gives as "INTERNS".

The idea of the branchs:

The master and the tv_version they contain virtually the same files, the only different is that the tv_version has changed that the master does not possess and must not possess.


  1. Why gives the famous merge conflict and how to solve it?
  2. What is "Interns Files", why it gives this and how to solve it?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • I recommend:

  • What are you putting as <local do git> in charge?

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