Assign JSON values to simple variables


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I’m having trouble reading a JSON I receive:


I need to assign these values to my variables, this array will always have 1 record, it’s a rule.

How to get all of his variables (code, dueData, link and success) and assign these values to simple variables? That is in my code I will have:

$code  = valordoJSON;
$dueData    = valordoJSON;
$link  = valordoJSON;
$sucesso    = valordoJSON;

2 answers


You can use the function json_decode. This function receives a String in JSON format and returns a object or array with the properties of JSON.

Follow a very simple example:

$json = '{"nome": "Bruno", "sobrenome": "da Silva", "idade": "37"}';

//transforma o JSON em um objeto
$objeto = json_decode($json);

echo 'Nome: ' . $objeto->nome;
echo 'Sobrenome: ' . $objeto->sobrenome;
echo 'Idade: ' . $objeto->idade;

If you don’t want an object, you can turn JSON into a array, passing by true as the second function parameter:

$json = '{"nome": "Bruno", "sobrenome": "da Silva", "idade": "37"}';

//transforma o JSON em um array
$array = json_decode($json, true);

echo 'Nome: ' . $array['nome'];
echo 'Sobrenome: ' . $array['sobrenome'];
echo 'Idade: ' . $array['idade'];


it seems that the part {"data":{"charges":{"data":{"charges" is duplicated outside that:

$obj = json_decode('{"data":{"charges":[{"code":10006756,"dueDate":"13/09/2014","link":""}]},"success":true}');

$code  = $obj->data->charges[0]->code;
$dueData = $obj->data->charges[0]->dueDate;
$link = $obj->data->charges[0]->link;
$sucess = $obj->success;

echo $code;
echo $dueData;
echo $link;
echo $sucess;
  • 1

    A multidimensional array can repeat keys, see: {"id":[{"id":2, "a":"1", "b":"2"}]}, the result is: array(id=>array(0=>array(id=>2,a=>1,b=>2)))

  • yes, but in his example it seems to be repeated, for the first two {"data":{"charges": are not closed

  • I know, but the example you used gives the impression that there would be a collision in case of keys with the same name - I made just one observation because it changed the array. The json of the question is wrong even, seems to have been written manually.

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