How do I put next/Prev Buttons and Dots Controls on my css/javascript slideshow?


Viewed 328 times


Hello, I’m going through a lot of difficulties to make my slideshow, the best I got was an automatic slideshow, only I’d like to include Prev/next arrows to control and buttons below too, someone can help me?


 <div class="slideshow-container">
    <img name="slide" style="width:100%"/>


 *{box-sizing: border-box}

 .slideshow-container {
  max-width: 1000px;
  position: relative;
  margin: auto;


var i = 0;
var images = [];
var time = 3000;

images[0] = 'imagens/img1.jpg';
images[1] = 'imagens/img2.jpg';
images[2] = 'imagens/img3.png';

function changeImg(){
document.slide.src = images[i];

if(i < images.length - 1){
}else {
    i = 0;

setTimeout("changeImg()", time);

window.onload = changeImg;

1 answer


I made an example for you, based on your code.



    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="script.js"></script>

    <div class="slideshow-container">
      <img name="slide" style="width:100%"/>
    <button onClick="prevImg()">Anterior</button>
    <button onClick="nextImg()">Próxima</button>


script js.

var i = -1;
var images = ['',

function nextImg(){
  document.slide.src = images[(++i)%3];
  if (i>=images.length) return true; //fim da lista
  return false;

function prevImg(){
  document.slide.src = images[(i = i<=0 ? 0 : i-1)%3];

window.onload = () => {
  let time = 3000;
  let id_interval = setInterval(() => {
    if(nextImg()) {
  }, time);
  • Thanks man, it helped a lot, only now the reset timer when I click the arrow, but I help very much even fought!

  • I added the modification for you. The plunker is also updated

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