I’m not getting a list of an API


Viewed 107 times


This URL works on Postman: http://localhost:56137/api/Getcidade. I need now in another MVC project to bring the list of cities. When I do this I catch this mistake:

The template item inserted in the dictionary is from type'System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[System.Collections.Generic.List1[Trainingcrud.Models.City]', but this dictionary requires an item like 'System.Collections.Generic.Ienumerable`1[Trainingcrud.Services.Getcitiesasync]'.

In the debug I arrive at the controller

public ActionResult Index()
    GetCidadesAsync cidadeAsync = new GetCidadesAsync();
    var model = cidadeAsync.GetCidades();
    return View(model);

And also from that controller, I arrive in Getcidades()

public class GetCidadesAsync
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); 
        public async Task<List<Cidade>> GetCidades()
            string url = $"http://localhost:56137/api/GetCidade";
            var response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
            var _cidade = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Cidade>>(response);

            return _cidade.ToList();

When you get on that line: var response = await client.GetStringAsync(url);, he opens the method in my project which is in another project, another Solution. This is the method which is in another Solution

    public class GetCidadeController : ApiController
        GetCidade getCidades = new GetCidade();

        public IEnumerable<Cidade> GetCidadesAsync()
            return getCidades.GetCidades().AsEnumerable().ToList();


This is the controller that takes the list of cities from the bank. The method in my API to take the list from the bank

public class GetCidade
        BancoContext banco = new BancoContext();  
        public List<Cidade> GetCidades()
            return banco.Database.SqlQuery<Cidade>("sp_cons_cidade").ToList();

My Model

public class Cidade
  public int id { get; set; }
  public String nome { get; set; }

Why am I making this mistake?


I changed the cshtml model and now this error has come

The template item inserted in the dictionary is from type'System.Threading.Tasks.Task1[System.Collections.Generic.List1[Trainingcrud.Models.City]', but this dictionary requires an item like 'System.Collections.Generic.Ienumerable`1[Trainingcrud.Models.City]'.

Pretty much the same thing, except they’re pointing to the same place Trainingcrud.Models.City

1 answer


In your controller’s Index, change the return of the method to a Task<ActionResult> and use the await to await the return of the method GetCidades, because this method returns a Task and not a collection of Cidade (as the error message says):

public async Task<ActionResult> Index()
    GetCidadesAsync cidadeAsync = new GetCidadesAsync();
    var model = await cidadeAsync.GetCidades();
    return View(model);

It is important to always be aware when returning a Task, because somehow, you must return this task and wait for the end of it to have access to the result object. And that’s what the await ago

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