Recover Partial View values for Parent View


Viewed 135 times


I’m developing a screen in Aspnet Mvc where I have an index screen that has a model called Parametrizacaovm and on that screen I have a partialView that displays the drives (which is a List<Unidades> that is contained in the parametric modelVM)

Call from the Parialview:

  @Html.Partial("GridMvc", Model.ListaUnidades)

when do a Ubmit in the parent form(Index) the information regarding the list of units does not arrive in the controller, it is null and when I tried to put the attribute @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ListaUnidades) in index, in controller the list arrives zeroed.

Someone knows how to solve this problem, so that when performing a Submit in the form he considers the list that is in partialview?


            @using (Ajax.BeginForm(@acao, "Parametrizacao", @ajaxOptions, new { @id = "FormCadastroParametrizacao" }))
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.IdCliente)
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.RazaoSocialOperadora)
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SiglaContrato)
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.CodigoContrato)
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Cadastrar)
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ListaUnidades)

         //Outros campos dessa tela....

          @Html.Partial("GridMvc", Model.ListaUnidades)

            <input type="submit" id="btnSalvar" value="Salvar" class="btn btn-salvar" />



    @model IEnumerable<Fleury.NovoVAEL.Entidades.Model.Unidade>
@using GridMvc.Html

    ViewBag.Title = "GridMvc";

<script src="~/Scripts/ScriptsParametrizacao/PaginacaoGridMvc.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/gridmvc.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/gridmvc-ext.js"></script>
<link href="~/Content/GridCustomizada.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<div id="results">

    <b>Selecione as Unidades</b><div class="code-cut">

        @Html.Grid(Model).Columns(Columns =>
       Columns.Add(c => c.Selecionado)
                .RenderValueAs(o => Html.CheckBox(o.Codigo.ToString(), o.Selecionado));
       Columns.Add(c => c.IdUnidadeSAP).Titled("ID Unidade SAP").Filterable(true);
       Columns.Add(c => c.Codigo).Titled("ID Unidade Legado").Filterable(true);
       Columns.Add(c => c.Descricao).Titled("Desc. Unidade").Filterable(true);
       Columns.Add(c => c.CodPrestadorSAP).Titled("Cod. Prestador SAP").Filterable(true);
       Columns.Add(c => c.CodPrestadorVAEL)
       .Titled("Cod. Prestador VAEL")
       .RenderValueAs(c => Html.TextBox(c.Codigo.ToString(), c.CodPrestadorVAEL, new { @class = "form-control" }));



  • You can put full view code together with partial view and controller

  • @Netinhosantos added the partial code

  • Remove this <form> right after @Html.Hiddenfor(m => m.List units)

  • I removed but I still have the same problem

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