Problem with VBS and XML


Viewed 68 times


So people... all right? I have a little problem here, I have a VBS script that served me well, he read the XML files and renamed them to the vendor name.

Now I need it to rename the XML to the document issuance date(dhEmi), which in case is a DACTE. I tried to do here but it doesn’t work... Could you help me? Follow below the codes:

Excerpt from the XML:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ISO-8859-1"?>
<cteProc versao="3.00" xmlns="">
    <CTe xmlns="">
        <infCte versao="3.00" Id="CTe33180702012862001050570060001000081465016982">
                <xMunEnv>RIO DE JANEIRO</xMunEnv>
                <xMunIni>RIO DE JANEIRO</xMunIni>
                <xCaracSer>PRÓXIMO DIA</xCaracSer>
                <xEmi>Tauany Peçanha Ayre</xEmi>
                <xObs>ICMS CONFORME RESOLU??O DO SENADO FEDERAL 95/96</xObs>
                <ObsCont xCampo="TIPO DE PAGAMENTO">
                    <xTexto>CONTA CORRENTE - 638877SAO - 19.89</xTexto>
                <ObsCont xCampo="CONTA CORRENTE">
                <ObsCont xCampo="FINANCIERO">
                    <xTexto>Lei da transparência 12.741/12, o percentual aproximado dos tributos incidentes sobre o preço do serviço são: Federal: 15,96% Estadual: 4,0%</xTexto>
                <xNome>TAM LINHAS AEREAS SA SDU</xNome>
                    <xLgr>PC SENADOR SALGADO FILHO</xLgr>
                    <xCpl>AEROPORTO SANTOS DUMONT</xCpl>
                    <xBairro>AEROPORTO SANTOS DUMONT</xBairro>
                    <xMun>RIO DE JANEIRO</xMun>

VBS file:

DiretorioobjFiles = "C:\DACTE\"
DiretorioDestino = "C:\DACTE\DATA\"

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set objFolder = FSO.GetFolder(DiretorioobjFiles)
Wscript.Echo objFolder.Path

Set colFiles = objFolder.Files

For Each objFile in colFiles

On Error Resume Next
If Right(objFile.FileName, 4) = ".xml" Then

    Set objParser = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    objParser.Load (objFile.path)

    Set ElemList = objParser.getElementsByTagName("chNFe")
    FilePath = ElemList.Item(0).getAttribute("filePath")

    oldFileName = objFile.path

    Set ElemList = objParser.getElementsByTagName("dhEmi")
    dhEmi = ElemList.Item(0).Text

    newFileName = DiretorioDestino + dhEmi + ".xml"

    fso.MoveFile oldFileName, newFileName
End If

Thank you!

1 answer


It seems that it is not working as it is trying to save a file that contains : in the middle of the name.


You can change the code to something similar to this: (you can use another character)

dhEmi = Replace(ElemList.Item(0).Text, ":", "_")

newFileName = DiretorioDestino + dhEmi + ".xml"
  • That’s exactly what it was! Thank you very much!!!!!!! ---

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