Text always aligned horizontally


Viewed 76 times


I can align a text horizontally. I always define a height and a line-height and everything is fine. But in Chrome, the cursor, inside a input becomes giant, because I always define everything in px. If I put, for example line-height:auto Everything is fine, however, gets buggered in IE, even if I use padding-top.

Is there any way that these setbacks don’t occur?

  • 2

    try using line-height:10px/9; learn more: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8004765/css-9-in-width-property

  • Dude. Excellent that, I didn’t know. Thank you so much! Only it doesn’t solve my Chrome problem

  • @Thallysondias Put that in answer.

  • Explain your problem better, if possible put an image of how it is getting in the different browsers. @Renan this is not an answer is just a suggestion

  • You used the prefixes for each browser ? Like: -Webkit-, -ms-, -o-, -Moz- !

1 answer


You can use hack:

/* Hack firefox */
@-moz-document url-prefix() {.selector {color:lime;}}

/* Hack Google Chrome */ 
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0){.classe{width:246px;} } 

/* Hack Internet Explorer 6:*/  _background-color: blue;

/* Hack Internet Explorer 6 e 7:*/  *background-color: red;

/* Hack Internet Explorer 8:*/  background-color /*\**/: #FFCC00\9;

/* Hack Internet Explorer 9 e 10:*/  background-color: #FFCC00\9;

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