what does "string" mean in CSS?


Viewed 105 times


Hello I would like to know exactly what the term string in CSS means and how it is used CSS?

  • 2

    In any language, a string is a text (at least I’ve never heard of one that has a different meaning), usually delimited by ' or ". If you want an example: background: url('caminho/minha imagem.png'); or content: ' uma string'

  • hello @guilhermecostamilam so from what I understand string is the word fika between the " quotes 'I’m right ? '

  • Yes, at least in most languages. Some have other options, for example in javascript "Isso é uma string", 'isso também' \and this also``, the latter allowing interpolation

  • This is a simple explanation, besides a text, a String is a type of variable, which is actually a class. But this does not apply in CSS I believe

  • thanks man! @Guilhermecostamilam

  • The <string> data type is composed of any number of characters enclosed in double quotes ( " ) or single ( ' ).

  • 1

    Could [Dit] give the context of where you saw the term being used? It would be better to ensure that the answers apply to what actually originated doubt.

  • @Bacchus as you suggest ? on the question ?

  • Maybe for an excerpt and a link like "I read on the site such (linked to the site, if applicable) this phrase: ...(insert here).... In that context, what expression means string?" -

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1 answer


The type of CSS data string represents a string of characters. Strings are used in various CSS properties, such as content, font-family, and quotes.


The data type is composed of any number of Unicode characters surrounded by double (") or single quotation marks (').


/ * Strings simples * /
"Esta string é marcada com aspas duplas."
'Esta cadeia é marcada por aspas simples.'

/ * Escapando caracteres * /
"Esta é uma string com \" uma aspa dupla com escape. "
"Esta string também tem \ 22 uma aspa dupla escapada."
'Esta é uma string com \' uma aspas simples com escape. '
'Esta cadeia também tem \ 27 uma cota simples de escape.'
"Esta é uma string com \\ uma barra invertida com escape."

/ * Nova linha em uma string * /
"Esta string tem uma quebra de \ Aline."

/ * String abrangendo duas linhas de código (essas duas seqüências terão saída idêntica) * /
"Um muito longo \
corda impressionante "
"Uma string realmente longa e impressionante"

Example of use with the property <content>:

/* Valores <string> com caracteres especiais devem ser escritos */
/* com escape Unicode, por exemplo \00A0 para &nbsp; */
content: "prefixo";

/* Valores <url> */
content: url("http://www.example.com/test.png");

The CSS property content is used with the pseudoelements ::before and ::after to generate content in an element. Objects inserted using the content property are anonymous overwritten elements.

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