Dúvidas Array Python


Viewed 122 times


I have a script that takes all the Windows Services and filters only those that have MSSQL and then take the name of the services as image below: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But I need to take the values of the Array and compare with a specific value (this is my problem) when print the array and the location I want (Ws1) he gives me that return:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

My question is: The pq this occurring being that I’m taking the 1 house of the array?

Follows the code

import psutil, re
import numpy as np 
#with open('C:\Zabbix\Install\Texto.txt', 'w+') as arq:
#    arq.writelines (str(list(psutil.win_service_iter())))
s =str(list(psutil.win_service_iter()))
s = s.split()
x = 0
y = 0
j = 0
ws = []
for item in s: 
    if 'MSSQL' in s[x]:
        v = str(s[x])
        v = v.replace('(', '')
        v = v.replace(')', '')
        v = v.split("'")
        ws = str(list(filter(lambda w: w.startswith('MSSQL'), v)))

    x += 1

1 answer


The problem is on this line:

ws = str(list(filter(lambda w: w.startswith('MSSQL'), v)))

The str() ali is converting the result into a string! So when you access ws[1] is taking the second character of this string (the first would be ws[0]).

See also that further up in

s =str(list(psutil.win_service_iter()))

and in

v = str(s[x])

You’re also converting the list into a string! This makes you have to give split, remove parentheses with `.replace(), etc - all this would not be necessary if you simply used the list object directly - the parentheses are only generated because you are asking python to make a representation of your object in string form.

In python it is better that you work with the data structures the way they are, rather than converting everything into string. I suggest removing all these str() - this function should only be used when you really need a string.

  • Got it though, when I shoot I can’t capture the values by being a class of the LIB PSUTIL... that’s what "broke me," so I’m kind of forced to do this

  • @Wallacebrunogentil classes of this lib can have their values captured yes... Try to inspect the class, use the command dir() or help(), look for examples - convert to string is the wrong way to do and will bring you trouble every time.

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