How to check if the password fields are equal and larger than eight digits?


Viewed 522 times


I got the following HTML and would like there to be a check on javascript to see if in the fields the characters typed are equal and larger than eight digits, to enable the button submit.

I have a code JavaScript which checks the number of characters, but I also need you to check that the fields are equal and enable the button if everything is positive.

<script type="text/javascript">
        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){ 

document.querySelector("[name='senha_imob']").oninput = function(){ = this.value.length >= 8 ? "red" : "#D9ECF1";

<input name="senha_imob" type="password" class="imv-frm-campo">

<input name="rsenha_imob" type="password" class="imv-frm-campo">

<input type="submit" name="btn-entrar" value="ATUALIZAR" class="frm-botao" />
  • 3

    Gladison, your question is being denied because you didn’t submit any research or code you tried; you just posted an HTML code, and asked for the rest to be done. I suggest reading:

1 answer


This can help you:

<input name="senha_imob" type="password" class="imv-frm-campo">

<input name="rsenha_imob" type="password" class="imv-frm-campo">

<input type="submit" name="btn-entrar" value="ATUALIZAR" class="frm-botao" disabled />

<script type="text/javascript">
	let campoSenha = document.querySelector('input[name="senha_imob"]');
	let campoConfirmarSenha = document.querySelector('input[name="rsenha_imob"]');
	let botao = document.querySelector('.frm-botao');

	campoSenha.addEventListener('input', function(){

	campoConfirmarSenha.addEventListener('input', function(){

	function verificaCampos() {
		if(campoSenha.value == campoConfirmarSenha.value && campoSenha.value.length > 8)
			botao.disabled = false;
			botao.disabled = true;


  • try typing the following value into the input: 1111111 see if the validation passes... I would turn the input value into String by security if(fieldNow.value == fieldNumber.value && String( fieldNew.value ).length > 8)

  • It doesn’t really pass because the input field needs to be more than 8 characters, if you only include 7 you won’t pass the validation anyway. No need to convert to string since it is already a.

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