I have several folders, and within these, several other folders, and I need to enter one in order to delete other folders (Yes, there are many nested folders).
The name of the folders that I should delete have their name in the year+mes format (Ex.: 201808), I need to clean the folders that are 2 months or more back (Ex.: 201705, 201709, 201806).
When using the os.remove(path)
, the program returns me an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\teste.py", line 36, in <module>
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Acesso negado: 'C:\\Users\\Usuario\\Desktop\\Área de testes\\pasta1\\pasta2\\pasta3\\pasta4\\201712'
I tried running the code in administrator mode by CMD, the same error occurred. I use Windows 10.
I wonder why I’m not allowed to exclude?
Follows the code:
import os
from datetime import *
def verificarNome(nomePasta):
if ano<anoAtual:
return True
elif mes<=mesAtual:
return True
return False
dataAtual = datetime.now()
anoAtual = str(dataAtual.year)
mesAtual = dataAtual.month
if mesAtual < 10:
mesAtual = "0"+str(mesAtual-2)
mesAtual = str(mesAtual-2)
caminhoPai = 'C:\\Users\\Usuario\\Desktop\\Área de testes'
for caminhoPasta in os.listdir(caminhoPai): #Logo farei uma função recursiva que diminua esse código, mas ainda tenho que estudá-las
caminhoFilho1 = caminhoPai+"\\"+caminhoPasta
for caminhoPasta2 in os.listdir(caminhoFilho1):
caminhoFilho2 = caminhoFilho1+"\\"+caminhoPasta2
for caminhoPasta3 in os.listdir(caminhoFilho2):
caminhoFilho3 = caminhoFilho2+"\\"+caminhoPasta3
for caminhoPasta4 in os.listdir(caminhoFilho3):
caminhoFilho4 = caminhoFilho3+"\\"+caminhoPasta4
arrayPastasVerificar = os.listdir(caminhoFilho4)
for pastaFinal in arrayPastasVerificar:
if verificarNome(pastaFinal):
caminhoPastaFinal = caminhoFilho4+"\\"+pastaFinal
This error is common when manipulating a directory that is open on your computer.
– ThiagoO