Convert currency to 1,000.00 format


Viewed 65 times


I am using a custom script that prints the value of the coin with comma, but this inserting point in the case of thousands.

Currently he prints like this: 1000.00

I need him to print that way: 1,000.00

Follows part of the code responsible for printing:

pai.find('.valor_original').html(escolha != 1 ? '<strong><span class="strike">R$ '+preco.toFixed(2).replace(".",",")+'</span></strong>' : '<strong>Altere a</strong>'); 

The value he receives is with a dot: 1000.00, then it is converting to comma. How should I change the replace in that case?

I need to know how to modify this specific script.

  • Dude, take a look at the other questions. The replace you’re doing just swaps the dot for the comma.

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