Angular: Error in system modules


Viewed 169 times


Hello! My application has stopped compiling, causing problems in general purpose modules. The Crypto module was the first error that appeared, so I looked for a solution to this error.

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The solution I found changes the webpack-config browser.js file. Crypto error is gone but several errors keep popping up:

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Would this be an error in Webpack? I did not install webpack in the application, I believe it was installed together with angular/cli.

The versions I’m using:

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  • Face to start has no way you use the webpack and angular-cli in the same project.... Even because angularcli already has an embedded webpack. Your problem was created using exactly what?

  • The webpack is the embedded one so, because I didn’t manually install the webpack. The error came up all of a sudden. It appeared that a module would get depreciated, but I thought it was just a recommendation, and suddenly it got like this, full of mistakes.

1 answer


Solved! The angular/cli webpack has been configured for an earlier version of angular/cli 6.0

Modified file: browser.js


node: false;


node: {
          fs: 'empty',
          global: true,
          crypto: true,
          tls: 'empty',
          dns: 'empty',
          net: 'empty',
          process: true,
          module: 'empty',
          clearImmediate: false,
          setImmediate: false

Path: node_modules/@angular-devkit/build-angular/src/angular-cli-files/models/webpack-configs

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