Angular - Subgroup according to group id


Viewed 92 times


I need to generate the subgroup according to the one selected in the group. I managed to go to present the id that was selected in html, I could not pass this value to getid.

I’m using Angular 6 + primeNg

Component group

  grupo: Group[];
  @Output() idSelecionado = new EventEmitter();
   ngOnInit() { this.getListGroup();}

// Busca todos os grupos já cadastrados
  getListGroup() {
      .subscribe(data => {
        this.grupo = data;
  // retorna o id que foi selecionado na lista
  onRowSelect(event) {

Component Subgroup

  subgrupo: Subgroup[];
    @Input() idGrupo: any;

   getIdGroup() {
          .subscribe(data => {
            this.subgrupo = data;

Parent html Component

  idGroup: any;
  @Output() idTest = new EventEmitter();

  aoSelecionar(id) {
   this.idGroup = id;
    console.log(`O componente classificationn escutou o id: ${id}` );

html that is presenting the others

  <div class="ui-g-6">
        <app-classification-group-list (idSelecionado)='aoSelecionar($event)'></app-classification-group-list>

    <div class="ui-g-6">

        <app-classification-subgroup-list ></app-classification-subgroup-list>
       Escutando {{idGroup}}

Tela de visualização do grupo e subgrupo

  • <app-classification-subgroup-list [idGrupo]="idGroup" ></app-classification-subgroup-list> Try to do it this way...

  • @Lucasbrogni nothing happened. But I realized one thing. Let’s say that the id is going, As I call the getIdGroup?

  • 1

    There are a few ways, you can use ngOnChanges and call inside it, you can call in ngOnInit, you can subscribe to Event.

  • 1

    @Lucasbrogni vlw worked here. I didn’t know this ngOnChenges, I went now, tested and worked. This YT video explains well.

  • I’ll put as an answer, then you mark as completed.

1 answer


<app-classification-subgroup-list [idGrupo]="idGroup" ></app-classification-subgroup-list> Try to do so... to pass the id to the subgroup and use the ngOnChanges to call the method.

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