I want to implement the plugin Marker Cluster in my project using the yagajs/Leaflet.
In the Marker Cluster documentation, they say I simply need to use the following code:
var markers = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
markers.addLayer(L.marker([175.3107, -37.7784]));
// add more markers here...
However, in yagajs/leaflet we do not use the namespace L, much less the addLayer method, everything is done by directives, as in the code below:
<yaga-marker *ngFor="let alarm of allVehicles" [(lat)]="alarm.latitude" [(lng)]="alarm.longitude" [display]="alarm.display">
<yaga-icon *ngIf="alarm.speed>5"
<yaga-popup>{{ alarm.customer_child_name }} - {{ alarm.speed }} - {{ alarm.vehicle_plates }}</yaga-popup>
How should I implement this? Aiming that in the yagajs/leaflet documentation they offer the resource of providers for such. But I could not understand them.
It is probably possible to do both. But from a review at this first link, it is version 0.1, the most current version is 1.3, may have changed in new versions
– Costamilam
Well, you can even do following the leaflet documentation, using the namespace L, but this does not follow the good practices of Typescript, because in addition to every plugin redefine the namespace L I will still lose the typing of Typescript.... I really need to find a way by following what I’m doing, by using the directives.
– rafaelmacedo