Why do I need WAMP (example) for Mysql to work?


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When I started studying programming with database access, I had to install software like Mysql and WAMP. I know what WAMP is about, I know it’s a package of tools needed when programming, but I never understood the importance of his for Mysql. I saw that when I turn it off I can’t use the database in my Java application in Netbeans.

What is in this package that is fundamental for my application to work?

My application is a software that serves to store and manage data from a particular company.

  • Mysql does not depend on Wamp Server or other related tools. These tools simply install and "manage" the service MySQL. You can download and install the MySQL manually at this link: https://www.mysql.com/ , and manage the service also manually.

2 answers


When I started studying programming with database access, I had to install software like Mysql and WAMP.

What you’re talking about doesn’t make much sense. WAMP is Windows Apache Mysql and PHP, so it already has Mysql, there’s no reason to install it separately.

I know what Wamp is about, I know it’s a package of tools needed when programming, but I never understood the importance of his for Mysql

It’s not that you need to program, but it helps. It has zero importance. You just install everything separately. and you don’t need it. This package is usually used by those who do not know how to work with what is proposed. It may even be useful for first contact, but after a while if the person keeps making use of it is because he is still doing what he does not know and has limitations in what he produces.

After initial learning stop using it.

I saw that when I turn it off I can’t use the database in my java application in Netbeans.

Only because you are still depending on it. If you configure everything manually you do not need it. If you are using Java as a language, it makes much less sense to use WAMP. It makes sense to have a web server and database, but why install PHP in this case?

I think there you are adopting the wrong tool, mainly because you said you already installed Mysql. So do not install WAMP, install Apache. Or IIS (in most applications it won’t make much difference what the web server is using (it will only create a small difficulty when publishing).

The most important thing is to understand everything how it works. We cannot answer here everything, we need various knowledge, we need to read several books, accumulate knowledge.

Anyway, my question is this: What is in this WAMP package that is fundamental for my application to work?

Nothing. Of course if you are using it is necessary to run your application.

Apache is the HTTP server that will receive client requests, process them, and delegate them to an executor, in which case it is PHP, the language interpreter that will execute your code. It is common but not guaranteed that your application needs a database, and it is common for PHP applications to use Mysql.

None of this is necessary for programming. You can learn the craft of development in the right way and understand the role of each thing, make your own decisions, choose the best stack of technology that meets your need, and not go on the market wave. Can become a professional with capital P and make a difference in the area.

If you start at the fundamentals, understand how things work maybe you choose other technologies to do your job.

Maybe you see that Sqlite is a better choice for large cases of web applications, maybe it is Postgresql or SQL Server, even on Linux to meet your more complex need.

You might want to use everything in Windows and adopt IIS, or need more performance and other features and use Nginx.

And maybe you understand that PHP is a facility, but not the best language to make an application. You may want to use Hack which is like PHP, but scale better. It might go to Python, yet a *script language that is growing in the market, or Lua that is simpler and caters well to most cases, even Ruby could be an option. Or prefer something that gives more performance and better tools, and scale the development better as is the case with Java, C#, Rust, C++, Go, etc.

You may want to develop directly on Linux if this is your hosting target. Finally, you can adopt the best and not what you were told to do. Have market differential and understand what you are doing. That question was the first step.

You can choose to be chef or chef. The market lacks chefs. Do not follow cake recipes.


For your application to work, you need a working database server.

This database server can even be on another machine as long as it is accessible over the network.

Probably when you installed "Mysql" it is a client application. To not use Wamp you will need to install and configure the "mysql server" manually.

For learning it is interesting to perform the installation process of apache, php and mysql manually.

Another interesting topic for study is the use of Docker



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