How to upload to Google Drive from R


Viewed 91 times


I was watching about the googledrive package from R’s CRAN and I’m not getting it to work, how to get it into my account. My goal is to upgrade a data frame and as CSV, direct to my account.

  • Boas Márccio. It’s not an answer to your request, but take a look at these two links with an example that might help you with the package googledrive code if you haven’t seen it. In these links you are following a similar method to the one you used to connect the Dropbox’s not the answer, but it seems to me that maybe it would help and be timely.

1 answer


Hello! Just do the following:

write.csv(mtcars, file = "") # Arquivo de exemplo para fazer o upload
googledrive::drive_upload(media = "/seu.diretorio/", 
                          path = "")

If you put type = spreadsheet your file turns into a spreadsheet.

When making the first upload, you will have to give permission from the googledrive. The function drive_update updates the file type or the file type.

Documentation Google drive

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