I wanted a clear and objective explanation?
I read separate cases, but I wanted to know the main points that differentiate the two
I wanted a clear and objective explanation?
I read separate cases, but I wanted to know the main points that differentiate the two
It’s complicated to answer that because it’s like asking what the differences between oranges and beets are. Yeah, both are eating, finished.
Functional programming is something that is based on the use of functions to express code, which limit the change of state, ie is a paradigm even. And contrary to what many people think, it’s not just using function, it has a lot of criteria. And functional much less is what uses function and procedural is what uses procedures.
To reactive programming It’s a style of code organization, it’s not a paradigm (although some classify it as if it were), so it can be used together, it’s like using orange to flavor beets. Reactive programming has even more to do with architecture, with how the data is manipulated by the application and how it reacts to it. The language or code can even help make it simpler.
In a clear and objective way it is better to learn what each one is in isolation because they only relate by chance, and do not antagonize each other. The links are above.
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