How to update Java application format . War for several clients?


Viewed 215 times


I have a Tomcat 8.5 server and have deployed a .war.file. It works perfectly. My question is, each client has a server deployed in their company, so I will distribute the same file . War to several clients.

What is the best way to create an automatic update routine on the server of these clients? I believe that many people have been through this problem, any answer will be welcome.

  • Good afternoon Pedro, not everyone. I agreed to this situation by creating a mediator who records the client’s ip from time to time. Since the backend is in the client, it sends the internal and external ip information of the same. I know there is no-ip, but I dismissed this question.

  • Well, in Wildfly there is Jboss-cli, which is a CLI that allows you to connect remote and deploy.. I believe there is something similar to Tomcat. I don’t know how is your continuous integration process, but I think valid, for example, after a "release", run a script that goes from ip to ip deploying the new applications


  • or you can take the reverse path, have a client application that searches your repository for a newer version

  • Thank you, I’ll read about.

1 answer


Downloading my comments for a reply:

We don’t know his entire scenario, but I have some indications:

  • Remote deploy

That application allows you to deploy a . War to an external IP. Knowing clients' Ips, you can generate a script that goes from IP to IP by deploying the new version.

connect http://IP_DO_CLIENTE:8080/manager usuario senha
deploy aplicacao.war

I don’t know if there is a continuous integration process in your company. If so, you can associate the execution at the end of a new release, for example.

  • "Updater"

You can also develop an application that acts as an updater, which from time to time goes into a repository and checks if there is a newer version of that artifact. If yes, drop and make the new deploy

The two approaches have their technical and implementation difficulties. I suggest you take this answer as a north to be able to deepen your research :)

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