How to insert grouped data from one table to another SQL


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I have a 'point' table, with columns (id, Pis, date, time), which record the input and output of a product ('Pis'). I wanted to group in another table, where the data, Pis and date, are equal group all the data 'time' are grouped in a single column. Ex Table 1

| id    | pis          | data        | hora     |
| 1     | 12113879222  | 2018-02-02  | 07:21:00 |
| 2     | 12113879222  | 2018-02-02  | 11:59:00 |
| 3     | 21056646219  | 2018-02-02  | 07:32:00 | 
| 4     | 21056646219  | 2017-05-17  | 12:01:00 |

For table 2

| id    | pis          | data        | hora1    | hora2    |
| 1     | 12113879222  | 2018-02-02  | 07:21:00 | 11:59:00 |
| 3     | 21056646219  | 2018-02-02  | 07:32:00 |          |
| 4     | 21056646219  | 2017-05-17  | 12:01:00 |          |
  • I couldn’t understand what you wrote. Try to format your question and describe your problem better. Use punctuation and grammar to write and before posting read. If you understand, click Save. This way we can help you better.

  • Man what you want to do is something very complex, what is the need to do this? see if this link helps you

  • Which SQL? Oracle, Mysql, Sqlserver, Postgresql?

  • @Williamjohnadamtrindade - Mysql

  • @Diegosouza - I rewrote it, I think it’s clear now

  • 1

    Just grouping would be easy and could make a select..into or to generate the new table, but breaking the time in columns requires resources such as pivot table for example. The problem is that you don’t know how many columns of hours you will have right? That way it becomes quite impossible to do this

  • 1

    And are the hour columns dynamic? or can it be a comma-only column? Mysql Does not have a native PIVOT operator.

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2 answers


What you are looking for is a GROUP BY associated with SUBSTRING_INDEX and GROUP_CONCAT functions. In Mysql, you will get something like this:

SELECT id, pis, data,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 1) AS hora1,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 2) AS hora2
FROM tabela
GROUP BY pis, data;

If you want more than two columns for "time", just define in the code, remembering to change the argument regarding the number of times that the delimiter should be searched before the extraction by the SUBSTRING_INDEX function for each new column. A general example:

SELECT id, pis, data,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 1) AS hora1,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 2) AS hora2,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 3) AS hora3,
       SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(hora ORDER BY hora ASC), ",", 4) AS hora4,
FROM tabela
GROUP BY pis, data;

Just a warning: GROUP_CONCAT has a maximum limit of 1024 characters, which can be increased using the command:

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = val;

for session-only change or

SET GLOBAL group_concat_max_len = val;

for global change; "val" is the (integer) value you choose.


I thought of a method here very quiet, you will group and select the MIN of the time field and the MAX, make a case when the MIN and the MAX are equal bring null.

Then just make a recursive to bring the id hitting with the highest date and insert into the new table.

Follow code in SQL Server 2012

create table teste
id numeric, 
pis numeric, 
data date, 
hora datetime

create table teste_pronto
id numeric, 
pis numeric, 
data date, 
hora1 datetime,
hora2 datetime

insert teste values (1,1211,'2018-02-02','07:21');
insert teste values (2,1211,'2018-02-02','11:59');
insert teste values (3,2105,'2018-02-02','07:32');
insert teste values (4,2105,'2018-05-17','07:21')

With TBL 
Select pis,data,min(hora)hora1, 
When min(hora) = max(hora)
Then null
Else max(hora)
End Hora2
from teste
group by pis,data
insert teste_pronto
Select,T1.* from TBL T1 inner join Teste T2
on T1.pis = T2.pis and = and T1.hora1 = T2.hora

Select * from teste_pronto

Note: it will only work if you only have two hours, if you have more it will bring the smallest and the largest.

  • I believe that this code should work in Mysql if this site does not work here Convert

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