Mysqli SUM query does not return result


Viewed 320 times


I am trying to sum up a column using the mysqli SUM method. The problem is that my query does not return results. My code is this:

   $sql = 'SELECT SUM(size) as soma, porta FROM `'
        .$this->options['db_table'].'` WHERE `porta`=?';
    $query = $this->db->prepare($sql);
    $query->bind_param('s', $file->porta);


   echo $soma;

What could be wrong? Remembering that all other queries without using SUM() work perfectly.

1 answer


Lacked use fetch:

$sql   = 'SELECT SUM(size) as soma, porta FROM `'.$this->options['db_table'].'` WHERE `porta`=?';
$query = $db->prepare($sql);
$query->bind_param('s', $file->porta);

    echo 'result is ' . $soma;
  • 1

    Really! Inserting $query->fetch() worked, but I also had to change from "SUM(size) the sums, port" to just "SUM(size) the sums" and it turned out all right.

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