When loading list, mat-select should be already filled


Viewed 464 times


This is my html

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-12">
        <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
                Lista de Aplicabilidades
                <div class="float-right">
                    <input type="button" class="btn btn-success" (click)="onCreate()" value="+">
            <thead class="thead-dark">
                    <th>Tipo de Pagamento</th>
                    <th>Tipo de Entrega</th>
                <tr *ngFor="let aplicabilidade of dataSource" [formGroup]="createForm">
                        <input formControlName="id" type="hidden">
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit != true">{{ aplicabilidade.name }}</label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true"><input formControlName="name" type="text"></label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit != true">{{ aplicabilidade.context }}</label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true"><input formControlName="context" type="text"></label>

                        <input formControlName="id" type="hidden">
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit != true">{{ aplicabilidade.typePaymentDetailsModel }}</label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true"><input formControlName="typePaymentDetailsModel" type="text"></label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit != true">{{ aplicabilidade.typeDeliveryDetailsModels }}</label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true">
                            <!-- <input formControlName="typeDeliveryDetailsModels" type="text"> -->
                                <mat-select multiple formControlName="typePaymentDetailsModel" placeholder="Tipo de Pagamento" name="payment">
                                    <mat-option  *ngFor="let payment of dataSourcePayment" [value]="payment">   

                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit != true">{{ aplicabilidade.marketPlace }}</label>
                        <label *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true"><input formControlName="marketPlace" type="text"></label>

                        <fa *ngIf="checkEdit()" name="pencil" (click)="initEditAplicabilidade(aplicabilidade)"></fa>
                        <fa *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true" name="save" (click)="onUpdate()"></fa>
                        <fa *ngIf="checkEdit()" name="times" (click)="onDelete(aplicabilidade)"></fa>
                        <fa *ngIf="aplicabilidade.edit === true" name="ban" (click)="aplicabilidade.edit = null; initDefaultForm();"></fa>

My Component

export class ApplicabilityComponent implements OnInit {

  createForm: FormGroup;
  public dataSource: Model.ApplicabilityItem[];
  public dataSourcePayment: Model.TypePaymentItem[];
  public dataSourceDelivery: Model.TypeDeliveryItem[];
  public form:any;

  constructor(private _applicabilityService: ApplicabilityService, 
              private builder: FormBuilder, 
              private route: Router) {}

  ngOnInit() {

  initDefaultForm() {
    this.createForm = this.builder.group({
      id: '',
      name: '',
      context: '',
      typeDeliveryDetailsModels: '',
      typePaymentDetailsModel: '',
      marketPlace: false


  onDelete(aplicabilidade: Model.ApplicabilityItem) {
    if (confirm('Deseja excluir o operador: ' + aplicabilidade.name + '?')) {

        .subscribe((res) => {

      .subscribe((data: Model.Result<Model.ApplicabilityItem>) =>{
        this.dataSource = data.itens;

      .subscribe((data: Model.Result<Model.TypeDeliveryItem>) => {
      this.dataSourceDelivery = data.itens;

    .subscribe((data: Model.Result<Model.TypePaymentItem>) => {
      this.dataSourcePayment = data.itens;


  initEditAplicabilidade(aplicabilidade: any){
    aplicabilidade.edit = true;
    this.createForm = this.builder.group({
      id: aplicabilidade.id,
      name: aplicabilidade.name,
      context: aplicabilidade.context,
      typeDeliveryDetailsModels: aplicabilidade.typeDeliveryDetailsModels,
      typePaymentDetailsModel: aplicabilidade.typePaymentDetailsModel,
      marketPlace: aplicabilidade.marketPlace

  checkEdit() {
    if (this.dataSource == null || this.dataSource.length == 0) return false;
      return this.dataSource.filter((item: any) => item.edit === true).length == 0;

    let formValue = this.createForm.value;
    .subscribe(success =>{
        error =>{


What I am, when I click edit(Pencil in Form), it opens me the edit screen(This is doing), but if I have Typepayment, as mat-select should come selected. By my code, it should work, but it doesn’t work. I don’t get any error, but the Dropdown does not come with the selected item(s) item(s).

My Model

export interface ApplicabilityItem{
        id: string,
        name: string,
        context: string,
        typePaymentDetailsModel: TypePaymentItem,
        typeDeliveryDetailsModels: TypeDeliveryItem,
        marketPlace: boolean

    export interface TypePaymentItem{
        id: string,
        sgpTypePaymentId: number,
        name: string

    export interface TypeDeliveryItem{
        id: string,
        sgpTypeDeliveryId: number,
        name: string

For Postman, this is an example of Applicability with their complex types:

            "id": "3bd8862d-1b15-42fe-9734-426364823ecb",
            "name": "Teste",
            "context": "Texto",
            "typePaymentDetailsModels": [
                    "id": "00dfea8b-4265-42d2-842a-2b854bfcc4dc",
                    "sgpTypePaymentId": 2,
                    "name": "Crédito"
                    "id": "37f0bda4-8661-4339-9c33-3fcbbb2bcd84",
                    "sgpTypePaymentId": 3,
                    "name": "Teste"
                    "id": "200c2e50-468d-46b0-8325-2cb76502c4df",
                    "sgpTypePaymentId": 78,
                    "name": "Novo Teste"
            "typeDeliveryDetailsModels": [
                    "id": "75c7fdbb-82b7-4e2f-ac03-3696883820f4",
                    "sgpTypeDeliveryId": 1,
                    "name": "Bahia"
            "marketPlace": true


According to the colleague Eduardo Vargas He guided me, I tried to do as he told me. I did like this: Component

compareValues(c1: Model.ApplicabilityItem, c2: Model.ApplicabilityItem): boolean{
    return c1 && c2 ? c1.id === c2.id : c1 === c2;


   <mat-select multiple [compareWith]="compareValues" formControlName="typePaymentDetailsModel" 
       placeholder="Tipo de Pagamento" name="payment" >
       <mat-option  *ngFor="let payment of dataSourcePayment" [value]="payment">   

and continues to dropdown on Edit coming without the selected items.

1 answer


You have to use mat-select function compareWIth

<mat-select multiple formControlName="typePaymentDetailsModel" placeholder="Tipo de Pagamento" name="payment" [compareWith]="comapreValues">
   <mat-option  *ngFor="let payment of dataSourcePayment" [value]="payment">   

Ai in its component add the respective function

compareValues(value1: any, value2: any): boolean {
    return value1.id=== value2.id; //adicione sua logica aqui
  • Eduardo, a doubt. The value1 and value2, what do I really pass there? What am I comparing?

  • Got it now, the any would be my type, which in my case would be Model.Applicabilityitem. I’m gonna test

  • This is the error now: >Error: Uncaught (in Promise): Error: Value must be an array in Multiple-Selection mode.

  • C2 is coming null. From what I understand, C1 is my model that the API delivers me and C2 would be the recorded values. In comparison, it would show exactly what is common in C1 and C2, as compared. C2 is null and I don’t know why.

  • Dude, your example is correct and I will mark your answer. However, I will open another thread for the bug, since it is something else.

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