Problems to load jquery into the Laravel


Viewed 270 times


Good afternoon, I am not able to load jquery in my Windows, I am correctly linking the folders:

<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery/jquery-ui.js') }}" defer></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery/external/jquery/jquery.js') }}" defer></script>

but the pages don’t load, someone has a hint?

thank you since.

1 answer



So these calls are on the website footer?

If you have it on a specific page, you can use the @stack

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/jquery/jquery-ui.js') }}"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('js/jquery/external/jquery/jquery.js') }}"></script>

And in the file that will have the closure of <body>, before you put @stack('scripts')`

I hope I’ve helped!

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