How to increment tailSet integers in Treeset<Atomicinteger> without addAll()?


Viewed 22 times


I have the following part of a class:

private TreeSet<AtomicInteger> offsets;

// ...

public void addIndex(int index) {
    SortedSet<AtomicInteger> set = offsets.tailSet(new AtomicInteger(index), false);
    AtomicInteger[] backup = set.toArray(new AtomicInteger[0]);
    for (AtomicInteger i : backup) {


addIndex() basically increments all indexes after index of the set. My question is: can I exchange the method for this?

public void addIndex(int index) {
    SortedSet<AtomicInteger> set = offsets.tailSet(new AtomicInteger(index));
    for (AtomicInteger i : set) {

Because the integers are still in order, so Treeset would still be right. But that changes the elements outside of Treeset, so I’m in doubt.

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