Good afternoon, I’m facing the following problem. I need to make an algorithm for registering bank accounts of 15 people with the following information: account number, name and balance. However it is necessary to verify if the account number has already been typed, if yes an error message will be printed if you will not request the rest of the data.
Only I’m not able to do this check, always giving the message that the number already exists even if it doesn’t exist. Follow my code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TAM 2
typedef struct {
int num_conta;
char nome[40];
float saldo;
} Dados;
Dados Clientes[TAM];
int posConta = 0;
//Função para imprimir menu de opções
void Imprimir_Menu();
//Função para cadastrar clientes
void Cadastro(Dados *Clientes, int *pos);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int opcao;
do {
printf("Digite a opção desejada: ");
scanf("%d", &opcao);
switch (opcao) {
case 1:
Cadastro(Clientes, &posConta);
} while (posConta != TAM);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
void Imprimir_Menu() {
printf("MENU \n");
printf("\t 1. Cadastrar contas; \n");
printf("\t 2. Visualizar todas as contas de determinado cliente; \n");
printf("\t 3. Excluir a conta com menor saldo; \n");
printf("\t 4. Sair \n\n");
void Cadastro(Dados *Clientes, int *pos) {
int Num_temp, i, achou = 0;
printf("\n--------------------CADASTRO DE CLIENTES--------------------\n");
printf("%dº Cliente \n", *pos + 1);
/* O programa iria prosseguir somente quando o usuario digitar um número de conta
que ainda não existe */
do {
printf("\tDgite o número da conta: ");
scanf("%d", &Num_temp);
for (i = 0; i < *pos + 1; i++) {
if (Clientes[i].num_conta == Num_temp) {
printf("achou = %d \n", achou);
achou = 1;
if (achou = 1) {
printf("Conta ja existente. Favor digitar um número diferente. \n");
} while (achou != 0);
Clientes[*pos].num_conta = Num_temp;
printf("\tDgite o nome do cliente: ");
setbuf(stdin, NULL);
printf("\tDigite seu saldo: ");
scanf("%f", &Clientes[*pos].saldo);
*pos = *pos + 1;
Follow the output of the program:
if (achou = 1)
. The compiler performs miracles. Always compile the code and pay close attention to the warnings, as 99.99% of them are errors. Naturally the code has other problems, but I am focusing only on what has been quoted– Isac
The most important comment from @Isac is that the code has several problems.
– Maniero
I imagined, I would learn these contents on my own during my college holidays, to have a good base in the 2nd Period. Yet orbed to all who helped me find the error.
– Thiago Henrique Domingues