I’m doing an ER where all tables have to have a "log" of who made a record, IE, I have a table user which creates a certain record and in the registry there is a Foreign Key that indicates the user who created it. My question is whether I can leave this implicit or whether I should show this in the diagram?
To be clearer follows the image of what I intend to do that in my view is something implicit:
Way this currently leaves explicit that a user is related to all tables:
If you have other approaches to keep a "log" I accept suggestions.
I prefer to make explicit that users will also be in the log tables, following their current structure. For documentation purposes and for other developers to see, this would clearly make it much easier. And another: once Foreign key exists in the tables, why not demonstrate this clearly?
– Rodrigo Tognin
Rodrigo I agree with you on these points you mentioned, I wonder if with a large number of tables have any different approach that I can use or that you would recommend to me to avoid relating the user table to the other N tables?
– ayowole agbedejobi
In that case I would also like to know the answer. I wish more experienced people could answer, because I also "predict" a certain "mess" in the diagram of 100 other tables, for example, also save the user as FK. I’m curious to see the approaches of those who’ve been through it!
– Rodrigo Tognin