How to pass a Javascript value, to a PHP form, and submit as a POST method?


Viewed 29 times


How to pass a Javascript value to a PHP form and submit as a POST method?

I have a script:

if (cc.isValid()) { 
    var verifica = cc.hash();
    //  $('#debug').text(verifica);      

    alert('Pegou o verifica: '+verifica)

I need to take the value of "check" and send along to an HTML + PHP form as a POST method this Javascript value. How can I do?

1 answer


Create a input guy hidden on the form (anywhere within your <form></form>) with the name "checking":

<input type="hidden" name="verifica">

With your jQuery you change the value of input with the value of the variable:

if (cc.isValid()) { 
   var verifica = cc.hash();
   //  $('#debug').text(verifica);      
   alert('Pegou o verifica: '+verifica)

   // insere o valor no campo

   // ou
   // $("[name='verifica']").val(verifica);

This way when submitting the form, you will join the field with the added value.

  • 1

    It worked. Thank you very much.

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