In the following example, for debit with Banco Itaú, it works perfectly:
$payment = $order->payments()
->setOnlineBankDebit('341', $expiration_date, 'http://localhost/federais/')
$redirect = $payment->getLinks()->getLink('payOnlineBankDebitItau');
But for the Bank of Brazil does not work, which name should I put?
$payment = $order->payments()
->setOnlineBankDebit('001', $expiration_date, 'http://localhost/federais/')
$redirect = $payment->getLinks()->getLink('payDebitOnline');
And for the other banks? Bradesco, Barisul and others?
Yeah, I tried payDebitOnlineBrasil
and others and nothing works. Someone has worked with Moip’s SDK for online debt can help me?
I just tested Bradesco’s: payDebitOnlineBradesco
and it worked. But what about the other banks?
It’s version 2. So just Itau. Got it. Thanks @gmsantos.
– Ramos