SQL Server - Split Function


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I have the following table:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The goal is to make, in SQL Server, a function Split (by ',') the column EixoX where the TipoGrafico is different from 'Stockchart'. That is, if the TipoGrafico is different from 'Stockchart' that is where I should split the contents of the column EixoX.

Does anyone have an idea how to do?

Thanks in advance :)

  • You want to replace when TipoGrafico is equal to StockChart for the value of EixoX? That’s it?

  • @RBZ For example, when the Type is different from 'Stockchart', that’s where I should do the Split of the contents of the Eixox column :)

  • Is "split" already working? If so, edit the question and put your query.

  • @RBZ No, this is because I still have to create the :/ function but to simplify I will leave the conditions to perform the Split: Select * from tbGraficoConsults Where Idconfigurationqueries = xxx and Typography <> 'Stockchart'

  • what version of your bank?

  • @Thiagomagalhães is SQL Server 2014

  • Try it that way: SELECT TipoGrafico, (CASE WHEN TipoGrafico <> 'StockChart' THEN STRING_SPLIT(EixoX, ',') ELSE EixoX END) EixoX_&#xA;FROM tabela

  • Or that: SELECT TipoGrafico, (CASE TipoGrafico WHEN 'StockChart' THEN EixoX &#xA; ELSE STRING_SPLIT(EixoX, ',') END) EixoX_ FROM tabela

  • @RBZ unfortunately cannot execute this query, this error appears: "'STRING_SPLIT' is not a recognized built-in Function name.". I think it must be because the 2014 version does not have this built-in function :/

  • Yeah, you’re gonna have to create a function: Link1 , Link2

  • @RBZ Thanks for the help, I’ll try :)

  • select will remain, changing only the STRING_SPLIT: SELECT TipoGrafico, (CASE TipoGrafico WHEN 'StockChart' THEN EixoX ELSE nomeFuncao(EixoX, ',') END) EixoX_ FROM tabela.

  • 1

    STRING_SPLIT is only available as of 2016 version of SQL Server, and the version that is being used according to the comment is 2014. There are several examples of functions to split on the internet, here one of them: how-to-split-comma-delimited-string

  • @Exact Ricardopunctual, unfortunately I am not able to use this function. Thanks for the help Ricardo :)

  • @Araújo In the article "Separating multi-valued text content (split string)" you find several "split" tips. Acesse https://portosql.wordpress.com/2019/01/27/separar-conteo-texto-multivalorado_string-split/

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1 answer


I’ve got a job ready if I can work it out for you.

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[f_split] (@String NVARCHAR(4000), @Delimiter NCHAR(1)) RETURNS TABLE
    WITH Split(stpos,endpos)
        SELECT 0 AS stpos, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String) AS endpos
        UNION ALL
        SELECT endpos+1, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@String,endpos+1)
            FROM Split
            WHERE endpos > 0
        'Data' = SUBSTRING(@String,stpos,COALESCE(NULLIF(endpos,0),LEN(@String)+1)-stpos)
    FROM Split
  • Just missed make the select with the need for it. Complete there to be 100%! rs

  • Nice, thank you! I will adapt to my needs :D

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