doubts about php authentication


Viewed 56 times


When I take the test of login, I’m going to autenticar.php, but the screen is blank instead of directing to the main page.

msql and php command tested and working)

<script language="javascript">
    function sucesso(){
        setTimeout("window.location='principal.html'", 4000);
    function failed(){
        setTimeout("window.location='login.html'", 4000);

    $consulta = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = '$email' AND senha = '$pass'") or die (mysqli_error($conexao));
    $linhas = mysqli_num_rows($consulta);

    if($linhas == 0){
        echo"O login falhou. Você será redirecionado para a página de login em 4 segundos.";
        echo"<script language='javascript'>failed()</script>";
    } else {
        echo"Você foi logado com sucesso. Redirecionando em 4 segundos.";
        echo"<script language='javascript'>sucesso()</script";

  • 2

    I believe you have the ability to craft a better title than that (How to choose a good title?) Press Ctrl+U on the blank page, which appears?

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2 answers


Hit your statement with the connection string


$con = new mysqli ("localhost", "USUARIO", "SENHA", "NOME_DB");

$query = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT......

$consulta = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE usuario = '$email' AND senha = '$pass'") or die (mysqli_error($conexao));

Another detail the script closing tag </script missing a >

echo"<script language='javascript'>sucesso()</script";

correct for

echo"<script language='javascript'>sucesso()</script>";


At the end of the php script, if Login is ok, add the line:

header('location: login_ok.php');

Where "login_ok.php" would be the name of the page to be redirected.

  • In addition to what Rodrigo said, you won’t need to redirect via Javascript like you did.

  • What is the relationship between redirecting with JS or with Location and the problem presented in the question?

  • No need to redirect with JS. Once inside PHP (server), it itself can redirect the user instead of returning it to the JS redirect browser.

  • Yes, but I don’t understand why it solves the problem - to tell you the truth, I don’t even understand what the problem is.

  • That solves it. Eduardo said that after login the screen turns white and goes nowhere. Putting the command I mentioned in php, when logging in the user can be redirected "into" the system.

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