Column update of a table with data from another table


Viewed 22 times


how can I perform this update?

update estoque,tabcest
set estoque.cest=tabcest.cest 
where locate(trim(tabcest.ncm),estoque.ncm) 
and estoque.tipoproduto in ('produto','consumo') 
and estoque.cest is null;

It’s taking too long, actually it’s not running, server stops. bank mysql

1 answer


worked, demoted a little /* Connection with closed on 2018-07-26 01:49:45 / / Affected records: 7,344 Records found: 0 Notices: 0 Duration of 1 consultation: 00:09:11 / / Connecting to via Mysql (TCP/IP), root user, using password: No... */

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