Multiple buttons share from facebook, twitter and G+ on the same page


Viewed 440 times


  • 1

    Show how you are trying, which will help. What you already have ready, already managed to make a button to share only one of the strips?

  • Do you use a blogging platform? Type Wordpress?

  • 1

    Another improvement, instead of putting the link to the site, locate the code and publish here. See I can only show a link to my website with problems?. Also: you have put the Angularjs tag, and this can radically modify the required solution. It is relevant?

  • @Bacco The button works by sharing the whole page. I edited the question and put a link demonstrating how I want to do it.

  • @Rowaraujo I don’t use any third party platform, I am developing the whole site.

  • 1

    The negative votes and the vote to close the question (already has 1, missing 4) are signs of problems with its formulation. The [Ask] guide has more tips to ask a question that receives positive votes and answers, instead of downvotes and comments asking for more details.

  • @Bacco The example of the site is exactly as I want to do. I think that those able to answer already know the script and div of the share button of social networks.

  • 2

    If the site goes down, or changes, no one will know what it’s about.

  • The best way I could find to do it was by using a angular directive . With this directive I was able to put several buttons and shares, specific to each post, on the same page.

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Use the developer platform of each site.



Google Plus

Only put on the page that will include the content listing.

  • So, if you look at the very link you sent, you’ll see that there’s a content listing there, with several internal pages. What you have to do, is put these buttons on your internal page. Don’t use PHP, but if I’m not mistaken, you can use the REQUEST_URI for that reason.

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